Summer Academy 2010
Diversity in Society: Challenges for Germany and Israel
As part of a ten-day summer course in August and September 2010 at the University of Kiel, German and Israeli senior researchers as well as young academics and hopeful young leaders took an opportunity to share their work on societies in flux. Increasing pluralization of both societies is a result of (among other things) migration and demographic shifts. Moreover, minorities and marginalized groups call for equality and recognition. How can societies handle these challenges and see the positive aspects of diversity? Participants give presentations on current developments in Israeli and German societies to gain mutual insight. All participants provide their own analysis, research results or projects for presentation and discussion.
Furthermore, cultural expressions of the issues dealt with will also be presented. A special workshop will convey democratic approaches to diversity. Meetings will be held mostly in Kiel, but also in Berlin and Lübeck, where several dialogues with key figures from cultural, political and media realm will be had.
Professor Uta Klein (Institute for Social Science, University of Kiel) initiated the project in cooperation with the Faculty for Social Sciences of Tel Aviv University – especially Professor Amal Jamal and Professor Hanna Herzog – it will mark the start for a network between German and Israeli researchers in the field of social analysis. This is of special importance for potential young leaders, those who will play an important role in future civil society, politics and academia.
A subsequent conference is intended for 2011 in Tel Aviv in order to consolidate the exchange between both countries and strengthen networking. The course will be held in English. Young academics, especially Ph. D. students (possibly also advanced students) and also members of non-governmental organizations that have worked on projects related to the abovementioned questions are welcome to apply for participation. Recruitment will start in February 2010 via public submission throughout Germany and Israel.