International Child Protection – Understanding, Connecting, Improving Together
32 education and social work students
Project Content
The treatment of children in a particular society reflects directly upon that society: what opportunities does it offer children, including across social and cultural boundaries? How can preventative measures be taken against the dangers they face? In exploring these questions, the participating students seek to create awareness for the fact that child protection is one thing first and foremost: a task which extends beyond national borders. In addition, field work and exploration in educational institutions provide insights into the standard practices of the respective other country.
Project Working Methods
Following intensive theoretical preparation in workshops and video conferences in Germany and Israel, reciprocal on-site visits form the core of the university project. Bilateral tandems are formed in the process based on the principle of peer education, whereby young people teach each other. This team work enables the students to create new impulses based on their findings, whether from working in practice or specialist discourse.
Project Goals
The participants work together to create an English-language brochure on the subject of child protection and children’s rights, which is supposed to provide stimuli for a discussion culture that crosses borders. The project also offers the students the opportunity to consolidate their professional knowledge and form networks that extend beyond the duration of the project itself.
Collaborating Partners
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Hebrew University of Jerusalem