Teachers of the Alfred-Müller-Armack-Berufskolleg On Their Way
The teachers of the Alfred-Müller-Armack-Berufskolleg are part of a network “Schools against Racism – School with Courage” that pursues the goals of mutual respect, self-esteem and tolerance. In the course of our exchange program, we strive for a thorough discussion of the historical, cultural and religious dimensions of diversity. We hope to contribute to more respect and appreciation through concrete meetings and experiences with Jewish and Arab Israeli students.
The German students, many of whom have a migration background, are all enrolled in the so-called dual system. In this system they are in contact with many cultures and religions both in school as well as in their professional life in the companies for firms, many of which operate internationally. Ideally, they take on a multiplying function in their family, private, school, and professional lives.
We plan a partnership with a school in Tel Aviv to foster intercultural and interreligious competences. We are planning a 10-day trip for 10 students (Arab as well as Jewish students) from Israel to Cologne in 2011. The counter visit with German students will likely take place in early 2012. Our group will also be mixed with regards to religious as well as cultural background and will go through preparatory seminars prior to the visit.
As part of the preparation for the exchange program, a delegation of teachers from the Alfred-Müller-Armack-Berufskolleg went on study trip to Israel from May 20-28, 2010. The main goal of the trip was to deepen the written contracts through personal visits and to get to know the two schools better interested in an exchange program with us. In addition, we gained a thorough insight in the cultural as well as religious diversity in Israel to be able to make a wise selection of places to visit during the exchange program.