Berlin, May 20, 2021:
As a result of the escalation of violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories and an increase of anti-Semitic crimes in Germany, the WerteInitiative organized a rally in solidarity with Israel and all civilian victims at the Brandenburg Gate. A network of 35 organizations, including the Future Forum, supported the demonstration. Representatives of all democratic parties in the German parliament as well as of the Israeli embassy spoke at the demonstration, which was attended by about 1,000 people.
As a result of the escalation of violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories and an increase of anti-Semitic crimes in Germany, the WerteInitiative organized a rally in solidarity with Israel and all civilian victims at the Brandenburg Gate. A network of 35 organizations, including the Future Forum, supported the demonstration. Representatives of all democratic parties in the German parliament as well as of the Israeli embassy spoke at the demonstration, which was attended by about 1,000 people.