The fifth year of the Sylke Tempel Fellowship (2023) is dedicated to the topic "Values in Security Policy. From Military Strength to Feminist Foreign Policy".
Which values dominate German and/or Israeli security policy and to which values does security policy refer? How do the aspirations and realities of values play out in security policy in Germany and Israel? Which social concepts lie behind the shaping of security policy?
This year's Sylke Tempel Fellowship Program would like to take these questions as an opportunity to shed important light on the values and principles associated with security policy from various perspectives.
At the core of the Fellowship, we offer our Fellows, who are young journalists and media professionals, a research fellowship, accompanying workshops, the production of a podcast series, and a large networking event in June 2024 in Berlin. The 5th year of the Fellowship will thus strengthen the Sylke Tempel Fellowship network and address important issues for the future of our democracies.
Partner organizations
Our cooperation partners are the American Jewish Committee Berlin (AJC), the Bar-Ilan University, the foreign policy magazine Internationale Politik (IP) and Women in International Security Deutschland e.V (
>> Publications
>> Fellows
Fellowship Year 2023: Values in Security Policy