Urban Farming Center as Community Center for Sustainable Development
This project focuses on the development of a concept for an urban farming center (UFC) for sustainable and forward-looking urban development associated with local community food supply. The long-term vision is to establish additional UFCs in Germany and Israel. The Association for Urban Farming (AUF) in Tel Aviv and [p3]-Werkstatt in Freiburg will jointly develop a concept for UFCs in Germany and Israel encompassing five relevant spaces: a knowledge center, a hydroponic greenhouse and a factory, as well as a boutique and an inclusive community room. Vegetable cultivation and processing, the sale of the food products and innovative and inclusive educational offerings on urban farming will all take place at the center. The bilateral exchange of expertise and experiences will enable both project partners to broaden and optimize new and existing UFC concepts and to use them profitably.
Travel & project support: 3 persons from Israel and 3 persons from Germany with expertise in urban farming, sustainability and education
On site: at least 30 additional persons with diverse backgrounds from Israel and Germany at each location
Project content
The two organizations will plan and run the workshops on site. A concept manual that can serve as a set of instructions for establishing further UFCs will be draw up. The manual will describe what is necessary in order for a UFC project to flourish, present concepts and instructional material and describe how these can be used in workshops to further the establishment and expansion of UFCs in Germany and Israel. Cultural implications will also be considered and described in the manual. Processes facilitating a continuing exchange of knowledge between the two organizations will be developed.
Project methods
Visits by each project partner to the other are planned for the purposes of bilateral exchange of knowledge, as are workshops and seminars. The knowledge gathered will be documented, and a written record kept of results. This record will subsequently be made available to other UFCs to serve as a manual.
Project goals
The bilateral exchange of experiences and expert knowledge result in the adaptation of the concept underpinning the existing UFCs in Israel for the German context while also enabling the expertise of [p3]-Werkstatt to contribute to an expansion and optimization of the AUF’s existing concept. This should result in the improvement of the UFCs in both countries and enable the knowledge gained to be made available to other UFCs.
Travel & project support: 3 persons from Israel and 3 persons from Germany with expertise in urban farming, sustainability and education
On site: at least 30 additional persons with diverse backgrounds from Israel and Germany at each location
Project content
The two organizations will plan and run the workshops on site. A concept manual that can serve as a set of instructions for establishing further UFCs will be draw up. The manual will describe what is necessary in order for a UFC project to flourish, present concepts and instructional material and describe how these can be used in workshops to further the establishment and expansion of UFCs in Germany and Israel. Cultural implications will also be considered and described in the manual. Processes facilitating a continuing exchange of knowledge between the two organizations will be developed.
Project methods
Visits by each project partner to the other are planned for the purposes of bilateral exchange of knowledge, as are workshops and seminars. The knowledge gathered will be documented, and a written record kept of results. This record will subsequently be made available to other UFCs to serve as a manual.
Project goals
The bilateral exchange of experiences and expert knowledge result in the adaptation of the concept underpinning the existing UFCs in Israel for the German context while also enabling the expertise of [p3]-Werkstatt to contribute to an expansion and optimization of the AUF’s existing concept. This should result in the improvement of the UFCs in both countries and enable the knowledge gained to be made available to other UFCs.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The non-profit organization (NPO) Association for Urban Farming (AUF), Tel Aviv
The non-profit organization (NPO) [p3]-Werkstatt, Freiburg
The non-profit organization (NPO) Association for Urban Farming (AUF), Tel Aviv
The non-profit organization (NPO) [p3]-Werkstatt, Freiburg