Summer Academy 2011
Mechanisms of Inclusion and Exclusion in Diverse Societies
Germany and Israel are countries shaped by migration. In the academic realm in both countries there is a need to deal with this topic. Against this background, the Summer Academy in Tel Aviv provides young talented students with the opportunity to debate intensively on new research approaches and results in this area. In order to have a realistic discussion about the chances and issues in an immigration society, the idea is that practical knowledge should be integrated into the workshops and presentations. For that reason, the students – future young leaders – meet with representatives from culture, politics, and media, they will also visit Jewish and Arabic neighborhoods in Jerusalem and will speak to local representatives in the Jewish and Bedouin communities in the Negev. The results will be: a more vibrant academic exchange, greater insight into daily life shaped by diversity, and more networks between the academic world and society. A successful predecessor of this conference was the Summer Academy in Kiel in 2010. Another major goal in the future is the cooperation between both universities in a joint Master’s program.
The Summer Academy is a project of the Social Science Faculty at the Tel Aviv University and the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel. Nine students from Israel and Germany respectively as well as academics from both countries are participating at the conference in Tel Aviv from September 6 to 15, 2011. The program will consist of presentations, workshops, discussions and excursions.