Violence Against Women Has Global Patterns
Violence against women has certain characteristics, patterns, and mechanisms. It includes economic, physical, sexual, and psychological methods and affects women from all walks of life throughout the world. This Future Lab is about dealing with the abuse of women from the perspective of aid organizations and societies … Continue reading
Meeting Puppets – Reducing Prejudices Through Digital Encounters
The Future Lab enables participation in a project in which Israeli and Palestinian participants build and program robotic puppets that are digitally remote-controlled by gestures. The puppets are then used in encounter projects. The goal is to assess the project's ability to be applied in the German-Israeli context and … Continue reading
Let’s get Stronger - Enhancing Democratic Values and Equality Through Education
The fact that our actions help shape social reality, means that democratic education and democratic forms of living together can be learned. This Future Lab brings together two organizations that use different methods to strengthen democracy and implement political education in everyday life. The aim of these meetings … Continue reading
Children and Youth from Migrant and Refugee Families - Between Policy and Practice
Migration is both a challenge and an opportunity for modern democratic societies. More than half of the world's forcibly displaced people are under the age of 18. Social workers in Israel and Germany play a crucial role in working with children and young people with migration and refugee experience. The goal of this … Continue reading
Humanizing Work – An Israeli-German Exchange for Young Craftspeople
Vocational training in handicraft work in Germany and Israel could hardly be more different. In this two-part project, both a practical construction project is implemented and the vocational training in theory and practice in both countries is examined. In the first part of the project, German trainees from various … Continue reading
Urban Farming Center as Community Center for Sustainable Development
This project focuses on the development of a concept for an urban farming center (UFC) for sustainable and forward-looking urban development associated with local community food supply. The long-term vision is to establish additional UFCs in Germany and Israel. The Association for Urban Farming (AUF) in Tel Aviv and … Continue reading
Media Challenges in the Digital Era in Germany and Israel
The health of our democracies has come under attack. The project will bring together Israeli and German students to discuss current challenges facing democracies and to develop strategies and propose solutions to defend media and democracy in Israel and Germany. The participants will learn how to promote solutions … Continue reading
Re-Born Textiles – The development of an innovative and sustainable system for urban textile waste management
The fashion industry is one of the main contributors to environmental pollution. Around ten percent of urban waste consists of textiles, yet only a small proportion of these are disposed of sustainably and re-used. The Re-Born Textiles exchange initiative aims to develop an innovative, sustainable system of urban … Continue reading
Voices in the Distance – Music in the Negev and Brandenburg
In this project, those in society who are unheard and under-represented will be given a voice through a musical composition. Important issues from rural areas in both countries will be explored through music in a creative process.In democratic societies, every vote counts equally. The project participants creatively … Continue reading
Post-Soviet Immigrant Identity in Contemporary Germany and Israel
In this one-year bilateral project, young people who grew up in the former Soviet Union will examine their experiences of migration and integration in Israel and Germany.Through discussions and creative exchange within the groups in Germany and Israel, between the two groups and with the organizers, participants … Continue reading
Haifa/Bremen – Urban Cities 2030 – Density, Social Mixture, Technology
Urban development is an important, complex issue in many different cities throughout the world. It includes attempts to expand integration and diversity in urban areas, to incorporate societal, social and environmental aspects and to make these accessible to a broad section of the public. The aim is also to improve … Continue reading
When people look to the future, they often do so with a sense of anxiety and concern. The focus of this project is to counteract the lack of positive visions for the future in our political culture and to work towards creating desirable future models. … Continue reading
Vocational Rehabilitation - Intercultural Exchange
Social inclusion of all people is one of the main challenges in the modern world, which has much significance both in Israel and in Germany. Vocational solutions that enable people with mental disabilities to participate in the labor market have immense positive effects both on these people themselves as well as the … Continue reading
BauNow – Bauhaus Today in Germany and Israel
Bauhaus is emblematic for innovative methods of multi-disciplinary collaboration which unite both art and the work of skilled trades as well as the exchange of ideas and experimental approaches as a means of fulfilling social needs. The pioneers of the classic Modern era had a profound influence on art and architecture … Continue reading
B is for Bauhaus, T is for Tel Aviv
2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the influential Bauhaus art school, which left a lasting impression on 20th century architecture, art, and design. Numerous events, exhibitions, and projects are being held in Israel and Germany to coincide with the anniversary year, which are the key places linked … Continue reading
Entrepreneurship Education in Social Hotspots
Today, there is more demand than ever before for entrepreneurial thinking, including in areas outside the commercial sector. However, to date, the need for such thinking has hardly been acknowledged at all in the education sector. As a result, the ability to think and act in an entrepreneurial way is not included in … Continue reading
Intersex Care Awareness
Intersexual people are individuals whose sexual characteristics at birth cannot be clearly identified as either male or female. The complexity of the genetic, hormonal, and anatomic factors that play a role here and the still-common practice of “assigning” a sex to those affected generates many conflicts and … Continue reading
Negotiation matters. A Poster Exhibition
Wars and conflicts have left a profound impression in the consciousness of society– they are perceived as having shaped human history. But what about the negotiations and treaties that were able to resolve such conflicts? These play a less significant role in how many people see history, although there are numerous … Continue reading
Innovative Design Technologies for Social Change
Across the entire world, space for civil society activities is getting smaller. For NGOs to have their voices heard – among young people in particular – they must draw on innovation and make use of social media and digital platforms if they want to advance social change. The collaborating partners have developed a … Continue reading
German and Israeli Perspectives on Public Presence
Public space is not a neutral place. Art works, memorials, installations, and buildings are all marked by the culture, history, and narratives of those who created them. What does that mean for areas characterized by the social, cultural, and ethnic diversity of their residents? How is public space shared and which … Continue reading
Professional Exchange on Diversity, Gender, Democracy and Extremism
This project brings together experts in order to exchange knowledge regarding the lives and realities of young people, the professional organization of youth work, and the focus of youth policy in Israel and Germany. … Continue reading
Improving Medical Students’ Communication Skills with Integrative Medicine
The interaction between the doctor on the one hand and the patient on the other plays a key role in the success of any course of therapy. Although this is hardly an unknown fact, it is often neglected in everyday medical practice. A German-Israeli project wants to change this, allowing medical students to hone their … Continue reading
Discovering Israeli-German Building Culture
The era of modernist construction is clearly reflected in the streetscapes of Berlin and Tel Aviv. The architectural history of the two cities has been linked for more than 80 years. Exploring this aspect of German-Israeli history thus offers an excellent opportunity to give young people insights into the culture of … Continue reading
Queer in Israel – Alternative Families and Ways of Life
The annual Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv has long since become an international event, which enjoys popularity even beyond the borders of Israel itself. Yet behind the colorful images lies a socio-political revolution: the continuing advances in legal equality for homosexual people, which doesn’t just make Israel into … Continue reading
The Crane’s Journey. Intercultural Education for Sustainability between Israel and Germany
A migratory bird is both a metaphor for and the subject of a project that sees environmental and intercultural education as inseparable: over a two-year period, the participants develop strategies to protect the crane, a bird equally widespread and well-known in each of the two countries, and learn methods from the … Continue reading
Inclusion and Exclusion in Youth Work and Social Systems
Modern society in Germany and Israel is heterogeneous and diverse. In youth and social work in particular, this diversity raises the question how all members of society can be taken into account and included in an appreciative manner. This is the question that the participants of this exchange program in Lower Saxony … Continue reading
Caravan Orchestra – A Transnational Journey of Musical and Cultural Discovery
When musicians from different cultures come together, they release a creative potential that opens up new horizons and inspires artistic innovation alike. In this project, the participants work together on a concert program, which reflects their diverse musical roots – and at the same time gives them the opportunity … Continue reading
Participatory Strategies for Diverse Neighborhoods – Lod and Neukölln
Living together in diversity begins right in one’s own neighborhood. That’s why it’s here that a German-Israeli culture and community project is getting started, in the everyday life of two city districts characterized by considerable diversity, serving to bring together people from very different backgrounds and … Continue reading
Migration Societies under Stress – Germany and Israel
The thematic fields of migration and security are becoming ever more intertwined – both within the public discourse and at a political level. This interdisciplinary academic exchange program explores the question of what is the potential offered by immigration and integration within both societies and what security … Continue reading
German—Israeli Exchange for Young People Engaged in Sport
People do sport all over the world – and find a space to come together and exchange thoughts and ideas in doing so. Sporting get-togethers thus play an important role in international exchange projects, which can equally be seen in the German-Israeli context. With this in mind, the Deutsche Sportjugend and Maccabi … Continue reading
International Child Protection – Understanding, Connecting, Improving Together
Children are the future. How are their rights seen in Germany and Israel and what role does child protection play in the two countries? What resources are available to the youngest in society and what dangers do they face? The project participants explore these questions and professionalize their experience in the … Continue reading
Formula ATID – Applied Technology Transfer Israel-Germany
What do carbon tire rims and German-Israeli exchange have in common? The project entails students working together in an interdisciplinary team to develop a carbon tire rim for a racing car and trying it out in an international competition. A fascination for racing and interculturalism come together in the process – … Continue reading
Feminist Film Screenings
Images of women as frequently depicted in the media, public sphere, and culture do not or only partially reflect the actual experiences of women. This film project takes this idea as its starting point and counters the standard ideas of female lives and gender roles with the wide-ranging views of feminist filmmakers. … Continue reading
Out of Place
Finding your place in society (or not): what does that mean for people “out of place”? Young filmmakers pose the question of what identity means in Germany and Israel and create portraits of people who are on the outside or face exclusion due to their gender, religion or social status. … Continue reading
Out of the Box // Pionier – A German-Israeli Theater Interaction
A team of theatre-makers set out on an intercultural expedition: the focus is on the notion of the pioneer in Germany and Israel, on historical experiences and those made in the present, on social utopias and the everyday. Both the participants and their audiences end up reaching virgin territory along the way. … Continue reading
Exchange Program for German and Israeli Professionals on Religiously Motivated Extremism
Religiously motivated extremism and its effects are a challenge to societies worldwide. How can one meet the spiral of ideology and violence head on at a civil society level and what skills and networks are necessary to do so? A bilateral professional exchange program seeks to create a framework for developing … Continue reading
Designing Tomorrow // Über Morgen
Where is the nation state headed in the era of digital society? With this question in mind, the participants of the project use the methods of science fiction to create concepts for society and future visions which they present at the re:publica and Utopia conferences in Berlin und Tel Aviv. … Continue reading
Back and Forth 2015
Berlin and Tel Aviv, two metropolises, four personal stories. 12 students at film schools in each of the cities tell these stories via cinema, working together in mixed teams in order to hone their view of daily reality in the respective other city. … Continue reading
Migration Hub Berlin – Tel Aviv
Hardly any subject has been as present in the media in the recent past as the influx of refugees from Syria and other regions of the world. What has often been called a “crisis” is being turned into the very opposite by the initiators of the Migration Hub Berlin – Tel Aviv project: which creative social … Continue reading
Community Now? Concepts of Community in Israel and Germany
Who do cities belong to and how do people want to live in their communities and shape their neighborhoods? What role can cooperations between design and civil society activities play in the process? The bilateral Community Now project has already been actively grappling with these questions since 2013 and is now to be … Continue reading
aviv Magazine
The German-Hebrew cultural magazine aviv isn’t just published bilingually, it can also be opened and read from both sides. That’s how its makers want to reference the specific features of the two languages on the one hand, which extend far beyond the different directions in which they are read, and create a … Continue reading
Pluricultural Spaces in Education – Comparing Germany and Israel
Schools and educational institutions reflect societies – and vice versa. What does this mean for young prospective teachers and how are they to view this situation in a transnational context? Students from Germany and Israel wanted to find answers to these questions by carrying out their own empirical studies as a … Continue reading
Glocal Neighbours
Do we live locally or globally? Or both in equal measure, that is, “glocally”? The Glocal Neighbours project works based on this latter assumption – for what is of relevance locally is almost always relevant at a global level too. But what questions concern people in other communities and how do they deal with … Continue reading
Disorder / Ha-fra-ah
What connect medicine and neuroscience on the one hand to dance on the other? Not a great deal at first glance, although closer inspection reveals that this connection allows a whole new collaborative field to emerge: A new challenge to be taken up by young academics and dancers in Germany and Israel. … Continue reading
greenXchange 2015 – German-Israeli Sustainability Program for Young Professionals
In 2015, greenXchange enters its second round: the program that brings together young professionals and students in the final stages of their studies from Germany and Israel will once again be confronting its participants with important questions relating to the environment. Sustainability plays a key role this time … Continue reading
ViceVersa: A German-Hebrew Workshop for Literary Translators
Having now reached its third edition, this German-Hebrew translation workshop is about translation in all senses of the word. Literary translators from both countries exchange ideas about the subtleties of transposing texts in one language into the other. And such subtleties are by no means just restricted to lexical … Continue reading
72 Minutes – The Urban Intervention Game
Architecture reacts to society, just as society reacts to architecture. This process normally takes place very slowly, but is now to be made visible in public in just 72 minutes as part of a game of urban interventions. It’s about the swift and the profound in equal measure, about role plays and social challenges – … Continue reading
Living Future! – The Future Forum’s Anniversary Project
50 years after the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Israel, the Future Forum is celebrating this anniversary with a special conference: Project participants from the past six years are meeting at two events in Berlin and Tel Aviv in order to create new … Continue reading
German-Israeli Young Researchers' Exchange on Diversity
What does diversity mean today in Germany and Israel? What can be discovered about diversity using field research methods? And where do young researchers see themselves with regards to the varying demands of diversity, both in academic terms and as citizens? This bilateral research project is seeking to investigate … Continue reading
Social Work in Multi-Ethnic Societies – An Exchange Program
Educational work must often navigate the difficult terrain of cultural, religious and social identities and attributions. What does this mean for educators in practice - in terms of their clients and their own biographies? Specialists from the field in Germany and Israel thus grapple with these questions both before … Continue reading
greenXchange 2014 – A German-Israeli Sustainability Program for Young Professionals
The environment, sustainability, green management: there is no place on Earth able to avoid tackling these subjects, with only international comparisons being capable of showing which approaches and methods work under which conditions. Before this backdrop, the greenXchange program brings together young professionals … Continue reading
The Self and the Other – Bilateral Illustration Project
What is familiar and what is different? How do we differ from one another and where are shared ideas to be found? What’s already important in discussion and experience is of particular relevance in artistic design. Around twelve illustrators from Germany and Israel want to get to grips with this whole subject – … Continue reading
Skating and Music – A Meeting of Youth Cultures Documented on Film
Pop culture is international, connecting youth cultures across national boundaries. That’s why volunteer staff from youth and cultural centers in Esslingen and Ostfildern, members of Stuttgart band “Die Nerven” and skaters from the region are traveling to Givatayim. Their goal is to explore the skate and music … Continue reading
New Shores – New Styles: German-Israeli Fashion Exchange “Biomimetics”
Fashion weeks and catwalks are not the first places most people would think of as offering a theme for intercultural exchange, even though fashion is very much a medium that communicates socio-cultural values as well as a sense of zeitgeist. It is precisely this idea that fashion design students from Germany and Israel … Continue reading
Human Rights Education in Alternative Schools – a Network for Teachers
Incorporating human rights education into school curricula is the goal of this joint project of the Anne Frank Educational Center and the Masar Institute of Education in Nazareth with its affiliated alternative school and the Independent School Frankfurt am Main. A central question is: what does a strong civil society … Continue reading
Identity and Belonging – Learning Spaces
What is my history and where do I belong? The Youth Museum in the Schöneberg district in Berlin and the Merchavim Institute in Ramla are creating spaces, both literally and figuratively, to help young people learn more about themselves and others, as well as learning how to express themselves. … Continue reading
A.C.T – Art/Community/Technology. The Cross-Cultural Creative Mashup
50 years of German-Israeli relations: on the occasion of this bilateral anniversary in 2015, an interdisciplinary internet platform will provide a virtual networking site for cultural dialogue between Germany and Israel, making considerable inroads into the “analogue” cultural scenes and communities of the two … Continue reading
Traces of Emigration in Tel Aviv und Berlin
Traces of Emigration in Tel Aviv und Berlin
Moving images of life today in two societies in which many things and people also find themselves in precisely the same state: in motion. This forms the rough framework for the joint documentary film project being carried out by the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (dffb) and Tel Aviv University. It’s about … Continue reading
The “Theoretical Gap” as an Element of Political Conflicts and Their Resolution
Which external developments and forces have an effect on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? A research project investigates this question as part of a planned long-term collaboration between the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. … Continue reading
Remembrance and Diversity in German-Israeli Youth Exchange
How do young people from different cultural contexts remember something that they themselves have not lived through? How do they experience the different forms of remembering the Holocaust marked by the generations before them? Young education professionals support school children from Germany and Israel in tackling … Continue reading
X-Change for Competence
Migration, poverty, equal opportunity, and protection of the environment – these are just a few of today’s challenges we all face, not only in Germany and Israel but around the world. Such challenges cannot be solved by nation-states and governments alone and therefore call for new forms of cooperation between the … Continue reading
Collaborative Students‘ Project
From Kiryat Tivon to Bochum and back again: Two groups of education students from Germany and Israel meet to learn about and discuss the discursive and pedagogical practices of their profession. They also tackle the question of what history and (individual) memory mean in an immigration society. Thus diversity and … Continue reading
German-Israeli Postdoctoral Seminar in German-Jewish History
Research thrives on exchange – between different disciplines, academic cultures and the researchers themselves. 14 young German and Israeli doctoral and post-doctoral students whose work explores German-Israeli history are thus entering into an intense academic dialogue in order to discuss their research projects … Continue reading
Empowering Families at Risk
Bilateral equal opportunity: Socially and economically disadvantaged families require special support in attaining better opportunities for full participation in society. In Germany, like in Israel, the question of whether the support or assistance should start with the parents or the children is a sensitive one. … Continue reading
ViceVersa: German-Hebrew Translation Workshop
German-Hebrew, Hebrew-German and vice versa. While it may sound easy to transfer a text from one language into another, it’s actually highly demanding. The intricacies of literary translation thus form the focus of the ViceVersa workshop, bringing together both young and more experienced translators for an intensive … Continue reading
Cities Connected in Friendship – Driving Forces for Local Development
Towns and cities already represent tightly knit webs of different relationships, themes and activities. When they come together in partnerships however, these networks extend even further and become all the more dense at the same time. The Israel-Germany Sister Cities Mayors’ Conference is an attempt to set out some … Continue reading
First Stepping Stone in a New Path 2012
The first stepping stone in a new path: it’s all in the name for this dedicated German-Israeli exchange project for professional training experts, trainee construction workers and young people from socio-economically deprived families, yet that isn’t the whole story. While the project does indeed provide an initial … Continue reading
Youth Meeting on Remembrance in Multicultural Societies
Cultures of remembrance undergo frequent shifts, a fact which also applies when it comes to grappling with Nazism and the Shoah and that is of equal relevance in both Germany and Israel. How do young people here and there deal with the past and what influence do their backgrounds have on this process? The “Youth … Continue reading
After School Volunteer Program
Rahat and the Negev region of Israel are predominantly Bedouin areas. International volunteers assist in an After School Program for Bedouin youth as a way to better facilitate their participation in Israeli society. … Continue reading
Renovation or Demolition
Preservation or destruction: The question of how to approach historical architecture is particularly controversial when it comes to Nazi architecture and buildings. Fifteen students each from Tel Aviv and Berlin examine on site in Berlin the answers provided to this question since Germany’s reunification. They also … Continue reading
Komm mit, commit yourself, kum mitnadev (hebr. = get up volunteer), be a part of it – the volunteer program „Kom-Mit-Nadev“ brings to mind a number of motivating associations. Since September 2010, this pilot project invites 20 young adults from Israel, who, as volunteers, are involved in civil society projects … Continue reading
72 Hour Urban Action - Stuttgart 2012
Architecture in real time: what normally represents a long-lasting process is undertaken by the participants of the 72 HOUR URBAN ACTION project in just three days. Stuttgart thus becomes the setting for ten temporary urban interventions created by teams of experts from Germany, Israel and ten other countries, with … Continue reading
German-Israeli Literature Festival “interrelationship(s)”
Family novels or families in novels: How important is family today in Israel and in Germany? What does family mean in a time when family ties and constellations are as multifaceted as life plans? During the German-Israeli Literature Festival authors from both countries come together to discuss these questions from both … Continue reading
Advancing Democratic Culture through Education
Democracy doesn’t just appear of its own accord, it has to be practiced: every day and in many different places by those that live in it. Schools play an important role in this process, as what they impart informs the views of the younger generation. German and Israeli students each get an idea of the state of the … Continue reading
Tel Aviv meets Stuttgart – Stuttgart meets Tel Aviv
Music is a universal language – and yet it also retains many cultural attributes. Together German and Israeli composition students pursue this simultaneity of what not only connects but is at the same time unique: The project “Tel Aviv meets Stuttgart – Stuttgart meets Tel Aviv” offers students an opportunity … Continue reading
Sounds of Israel
Israel’s lively music scene is a reflection of something that also shapes the country: diverse identities. Thus the Hamburg festival event “Sounds of Israel” does not just introduce music from Israel to Germany, but familiarizes young people with the situation of Israeli musicians. … Continue reading
Dok-Station - Beyond Yesterday and Tomorrow
Dok-Station - an entire world of film exists behind this short designation. Indeed, the cooperation between the German Film and Television Academy (dffb) and Tel Aviv University provides the possibility for students of both institutions to collectively develop film projects. … Continue reading
German-Israeli Exchange for Athletes
A friendly match on all levels: Two soccer clubs from Berlin and Jerusalem build bridges – personally, bilaterally, and in sport. In doing so, the two clubs not only meet each other on the field. People come together to talk about soccer, their social engagement in club work and much more. … Continue reading
Recognizing Narratives – Expressing Identity – Putting Dialogue into Practice
Diversity needs dialogue. But what does this in fact mean for educational work in museums and for group processes? Who communicates with whom? Together, the Berlin-based organization „Gesicht Zeigen! Für ein weltoffenes Deutschland“ (“Show Your Face! For a cosmopolitan Germany”), the Art and Cultural … Continue reading
In the everyday life of today’s young people being homesick can mean so much more than a longing for a physical place. The German-Israeli theater project “Homesick,” initiated by “Glashaus – Verein der Nutzer der Brotfabrik e. V.” addresses precisely these facets of longing – for example, for something … Continue reading
Memory in a Multicultural Society
There isn’t just one memory of the past in a multicultural society, there are many. This is also true for the Shoah. High School Students from Berlin and Jerusalem develop together collective forms of remembrance that fulfill not only the requirements of public remembrance but, just as importantly, the students’ … Continue reading
Mixstory – An Encounter with Israel
When youth and young adults with a migrant background tell stories about their lives, then it becomes a “mixstory,” which is also the name of the media-based initiative in the Rhein-Main region of Germany. At the center of this project “Mixstory – An Encounter with Israel,” is a joint trip to Israel to meet … Continue reading
Berlin Meets Haifa Plus
For years now, the cooperation between the Alice Solomon School of Applied Sciences in Berlin and the School of Social Work at the University of Haifa has proved successful. At the center of this success is the yearly student exchange program. In 2011, the program is titled “Berlin Meets Haifa Plus” and focuses on … Continue reading
Kadima - Kehila, Dialogue, Meoravut/Manhigut, Ha'atzama
Not only is the gender identity of young people in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Movement part of their self perception, but also their concern with the social and political dimensions of gender relations. The project "Kadima" offers young adults from Germany and Israel the possibility to develop … Continue reading
Summer Academy 2011
Mechanisms of Inclusion and Exclusion in Diverse Societies
Mechanisms of Inclusion and Exclusion in Diverse Societies
Students and academics from the Humanities and Social Sciences from Kiel and Tel Aviv come together for a 10-day seminar titled, "Mechanisms of Inclusion and Exclusion in Diverse Societies." They work together on pressing topics such as cultural diversity and immigration. The goal is to find manageable analyses of … Continue reading
Identity, Integration and Belonging
Israeli school students from Ethiopian immigrant families as well as German youth in Berlin school classes, with and without a migrant background, have a lot in common. For instance, they can both benefit from the opportunity of inter- and transcultural learning. The project, “Identity, Integration and Belonging” … Continue reading
The 4th Berlin – Jerusalem Musical Encounter
When twenty students between the ages of 9 and 19 come together to play chamber music for ten days it isn’t just a recital. It’s much more about a chance for young talent as well as a successful cooperation between two of Israel and Germany’s most distinguished conservatories. … Continue reading
72 Hour Urban Action: An Integrative Planning Workshop
A unique event happened in Bat-Yam in Israel in 2010 – an innovative architecture and urban art festival “72 Hour Urban Action” took place there for the first time. Ten international teams with participants from architecture, design, the visual arts, and industrial arts joined together for a design mission in a … Continue reading
Diversity – Education – Belonging: German and Israeli Stakeholders in Dialogue
Educational learning processes don’t take place in a vacuum, but rather the interlocking work done in schools, universities, museums, and (youth) organizations as well as relations between countries all play a vital role in transnational learning. The conference “Diversity – Education – Belonging” continues … Continue reading
First Stepping Stone in a New Path
Building a house can have multiple meanings. In the literal sense, a building is created – metaphorically speaking, however, networks are built. A group of Berlin structural engineers in training and Israeli youth will do both in summer 2011. They will work together on constructing a staircase for a kibbutz school … Continue reading
German-Israeli Cooperation in Crisis Recovery after the Winnenden School Shooting
The cooperation between Israeli trauma experts and school psychologists in Baden-Württemberg focuses on transferring knowledge, sharing experiences, and working jointly on developing concepts with regards to crisis recovery in Winnenden. … Continue reading
An Encounter and Concert of Composition Students
at Conservatories in Tel Aviv and Stuttgart (2011)
at Conservatories in Tel Aviv and Stuttgart (2011)
This project aims to provide a platform for artistic exchange between young composers studying at conservatories in Tel Aviv and Stuttgart. The project’s main events are a concert and a joint composition seminar in January 2011 at the conservatory in Stuttgart. … Continue reading
Summer Academy 2010
Diversity in Society: Challenges for Germany and Israel
Diversity in Society: Challenges for Germany and Israel
The bilateral project brings together scholars and young academics from both countries to examine current challenges to German and Israeli societies. The main aim is the consolidation of a bilateral network between young leaders. … Continue reading
Berlin Meets Haifa
What are some differences between social work in Israel and in Germany – and what are the similarities? “Berlin Meets Haifa” brings together BA students from the School of Social Work at the University of Haifa and students from the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences in Berlin to pursue these questions … Continue reading
The German-Israeli Fan Exchange – Soccer Fans Against Racism and Discrimination
Soccer is popular just about everywhere in the world – this goes for Germany as well as for Israel. In October 2010, young fans of German and Israeli soccer clubs are coming together to watch live soccer matches and to discuss racist and anti-Semitic prejudices of the sport’s fan base. … Continue reading
Migration – History – Belonging:
Actors from Germany and Israel in Dialogue
Actors from Germany and Israel in Dialogue
At first glance, forty-three experts from the field of educational work coming together at a German-Israeli conference may not seem like anything special. But when the collective goal of the meeting is to develop new ways to deal with issues of identity and history in an ethnically and culturally diverse society – … Continue reading
Children of the Holocaust
Based on reports from the years 1944 to 1948 of Jewish child and adolescent survivors, eleven youth and four stage actors of the Young World Theater Leipzig (Theater der Jungen Welt, Leipzig) grapple with these authentic accounts of those who witnessed barbarism and had the will to survive. In doing so, they develop … Continue reading
ThoughtSounds for Walter Benjamin – An Israeli-German Composers Exchange
as part of the concert series of Klangnetz e. V.
as part of the concert series of Klangnetz e. V.
As part of a concert trip in June 2010, composers from Israel and Berlin as well as musicians of the Ensemble Adapter will give joint workshops at conservatories in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Frankfurt am Main, and Berlin. … Continue reading
The Comic-Guide Berlin – Tel Aviv
The comic-guide Berlin – Tel Aviv is an intercultural bilingual project that deals with cities like Berlin and Tel Aviv in an innovative manner. The aim of the project is to create a bilingual (German-Hebrew) city guide for Berlin and Tel Aviv vis-à-vis the medium of comics. … Continue reading
Teachers of the Alfred-Müller-Armack-Berufskolleg On Their Way
Teachers at the Alfred-Müller-Armack-Berufskolleg in Cologne are on their way to Jewish as well as Arab places and schools in Israel to help prepare for an exchange program between German and Israeli students. … Continue reading
Abissalle Glick – ARENA Coproduction 2010 with Tadam Company
Over a period of one year, and with the involvement of students from Erlangen, a performance production is being developed. The artistic realization is mainly in the hands of the Israeli artists from Tadam Company, while ARENA is responsible for implementing all the tasks related to the production. … Continue reading
Girls’ Soccer Project: Hadass plays with Stella
The project brings together 32 girls from diverse backgrounds aged 8 to 14 years from Israel and Halberstadt, Germany. … Continue reading
A Future in Friendship
How do aspiring filmmakers in Germany and Israel respectively view the other country? Film students from the Film and Television Academy “Konrad Wolf” in Potsdam and the Film & TV Department at Sapir Academic College in Sderot asked themselves this very question and worked together to convey their impressions … Continue reading
ILanD 2009
If the emerging music scenes in Israel and Germany are one thing, it is that they are going places. These various artists, musicians, and bands cannot be assigned to one particular genre; instead they create their own distinct mixture from elements of pop, world music, surf or hip hop. The Project IlanD 2009 was … Continue reading
Musical Encounters
An exchange between the Julius Stern Institute at the Berlin University of the Arts and the Jerusalem Music Center brings together young and talented musicians for joint music making. … Continue reading