Expert Exchange on the Transgenerational Consequences of Collective Violence
How do collective experiences of violence effect subsequent generations? What should be considered when working with descendants of survivors? How can psychosocial, political, and societal support be improved? In this Future Lab, young professionals working with descendants of survivors of collective violence and genocide had the opportunity to address these questions and discuss them in an interdisciplinary manner. This practice-oriented format provided space for the personal and professional exchange of experiences, perspectives, and knowledge. A particular focus was placed on exploring how to maintain dialogue and connection in times of multiple crises, societal polarization, violent conflicts, and acute trauma.
Junior staff of the cooperation partners
Junior staff of the cooperation partners
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Amcha Deutschland e.V (Berlin)
Amcha (Jerusalem)
Jerusalem Benafshenu (Jerusalem)
Amcha Deutschland e.V (Berlin)
Amcha (Jerusalem)
Jerusalem Benafshenu (Jerusalem)