Current Projects
Current Projects
Combating Violence Against Women from an Intercultural Perspective
The professional exchange, taking place in Germany and Israel, aims to analyse differences and similarities between nonprofit organizations and government programs in both countries that address the issue of violence against women. Through direct collaboration between the participating cooperation-partners, structures … Continue reading
Pluralistic Youth Theater
The goal of this Future Lab was to plan a theatre play that would promote young people's understanding of democracy in Germany and Israel and contribute to the prevention of antisemitism. During the meeting in Augsburg, a concise concept for the play, a timeline, and the stage design were developed. The play, titled … Continue reading
Other Days – Exchange Program for Young Filmmakers
During the course of the Future Lab, the cooperation partners planned a project to bring together Israeli and German film students. The project focuses on exploring the theme of trauma through the medium of film. The Future Lab aims to foster connections and creative collaboration between film students from Israel and … Continue reading
Expert Exchange on the Transgenerational Consequences of Collective Violence
How do collective experiences of violence effect subsequent generations? What should be considered when working with descendants of survivors? How can psychosocial, political, and societal support be improved? In this Future Lab, young professionals working with descendants of survivors of collective violence and … Continue reading